At Bishop Loveday C.E. Primary School, we know that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral part of our daily lives. Our computing curriculum provides our children with the knowledge and skills to use computational thinking, creativity and to prepare them as active participants in a digital world. Our aim is to equip children with a rich breadth of understanding and confidence around the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
We understand that our children have easy access to a wealth of digital media and can explore, connect and learn in ways never before imagined. Therefore, digital literacy and learning to use technology safely is at the heart of our computing, providing children with the skills, knowledge and experiences that will enable them to be responsible, competent, confident and creative digital citizens.
In each class, we use interactive touchscreen boards to deliver teaching and support active learning. Children can interact with a range of applications on these as well as using iPads, laptops and the computers in our computer suite. Through these technologies, children learn how computing provides access to limitless information from a range of sources: experts, individuals, communities and cultures from around the globe.
We use Purple Mash, a comprehensive website of online tools and content, which includes an exciting collection of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning. The scheme provides the rich vocabulary required to support children’s computational thinking, opportunities to experience a range of tools and applications whilst ensuring that all learning builds towards achieving specific goals.
We are also fortunate to have strong links with the Kineton STEM team who have championed a team in the First Lego League STEM competition, delivered enrichment days and provide support for the school’s STEM ambassadors. STEM and computing are closely linked and we aim to provide our children with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience that are essential in an increasingly digital world.