'Life in all its fullness' - Our Christian Vision
Be kind, be honest and have courage to live 'life in all its fullness' (John 10:10)
Our vision is to ensure pupils and adults experience growth and have a sense of self-worth, the confidence to be who they are and the resilience to persevere and overcome challenges.
We aim for all members of our school community to feel inspired and be inspiring, making a positive contribution to the life of others.
Our Christian vision has evolved over time, but has stayed true to its roots in John 10:10. Both our current vision and our previous vision, 'Joining together, learning for life, life in all its fullness (John 10:10), have been developed with the voice of the children, the staff and the wider school community. Similarly, our Christian values have evolved over time, beginning with, 'respect, love, friendship, forgiveness and unity', and moving to 'be kind, be honest and have courage', which now underpin our relationship policy and school rules.
At Bishop Loveday, our children experience 'life in all its fullness' through the curriculum that underpins the teaching and learning, and through the social, moral, cultural and spiritual life of our school. We want our children to learn to celebrate the 'ups' in life and develop the resilience and courage to bounce back from the 'downs', flourishing in our school community.