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  • Cross Country Finals

    Published 12/12/19

    Our Year 5 & 6 cross country teams competed in the Oxfordshire School Games County finals this week. The event took place at Radley College in Abingdon with 14 other schools from across the County taking part. Over 100 athletes competed in each race over mixed terrain. Great determination and self belief was demonstrated by our pupils with many slips and trips around the course due to the recent rainfall. Overall our boys finished 8th and the girls 10th. Congratulations to all our runners - we are so proud of you!

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  • North Oxon Cross Country

    Published 03/12/19

    At last some winter sunshine greeted the North Oxon Cross Country finalists last Friday afternoon. Some determined performances from ALL our runners as the conditions underfoot were quite tricky due to all the rain we have had.
    BLS had top 10 individual finishers in the year 1/2 girls, year 3/4 girls, year 3/4 boys and year 5/6 boys races. Great team results in year 5/6 meant that the girls finished in overall 3rd place and the boys finished 1st - North Oxon Champions! Congratulations to everyone, you made all the staff extremely proud as you represented Bishop Loveday in such a wonderful way.

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  • FoBLS Christmas Wreath Workshop

    Published 25/11/19

    Please find attached details about the FoBLS Christmas Wreath Workshop on 30th November - there are still a few places remaining! 

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  • Meteorites land at Bishop Loveday Primary School!

    Published 25/11/19

    Pupils from Bishop Loveday Primary School got their hands on rare samples of moon rocks and meteorites on 18 November 2019 during a series of science lessons which were truly out of this world. 

    Students were encouraged to reach for the stars and learn more about the Universe around us during a week-long interactive experience of astronomy. 

    Youngsters were given the unique opportunity to actually touch a piece of space rock not of this Earth as they were allowed to handle some genuine meteorites. 

    These rare samples were provided free of charge by the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), which provides educational packs in a bid to inspire young people to get involved in science and complement classroom studies. 

    The pack provided by STFC includes a 1.2 billion-year-old piece of Mars rock and a 4.3 billion-year-old nickel meteorite. It is unlikely that students will ever get the chance to hold an object older than this, as Earth itself was formed 4.6 billion years ago. 

    The packs include a meteorite hunter’s kit, a teacher planning pack and exciting web-based resources and online support videos for all age groups, primary to secondary. 

    The lunar samples were collected in the late 1960s and early 1970s during some of NASA’s first manned space missions to the Moon. During these missions, a staggering 382kg of material was brought back to Earth – mostly for use by scientists, but small quantities are used to develop educational packs like this one. 

    Samples like these can tell us a great deal about the planets, from which they originate, but there is still much to learn – and these packs will help encourage students to become the next generation of astronomers. 

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  • STEM Enrichment Day

    Published 21/11/19

    Year 5 and 6 children had a fantastic time when Kineton STEM team came to deliver some STEM Enrichment activities. You can view the full gallery of photos here.

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