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Pre-School Consultation

Update on Pre-School Provision : June 2024 

Thank you again, to all parents who responded to the consultation and/or attended the meeting. Our driving force for the pre-school has always been the demand for places in the local area,  especially as some of the families affected by the shortage of places locally are parents at BLS, and for this reason, we were keen to open as soon as possible. We hoped to open the doors in September, with the understanding that this may not happen until January.

Unfortunately, we have encountered unforeseen delays, which have had a knock-on effect to the build timeline. The only access to the build site is over the sports field, which becomes water-logged during the winter months, making delivery of the building difficult. In light of this, we can no longer be sure that the preschool will open during this academic year. We will do our utmost to open as early as possible and will keep you updated.